I. User Profile:
Cloud Enterprise Product Manufacturer: F Manufacturer (Warranty Provider)
A leading manufacturing company of cloud enterprise product such as server, data storage offers after-sales service.
Data Center: J Customer (Customer)
A branding company with numerous data centers have after-sales service on cloud enterprise product such as server, data storage, purchased from F manufacturer.
Repair Center: S & Y (Service Center)
A third party repair team for field service on cloud enterprise product at data centers
II. Issue Description:
Scenario:J customer at different data centers process field service claims to have F manufacturer and corresponded S&Y sevice centers check RMA requests through mail. (Time limitation: 7day*24hr*4hr ( i.e., complete field service process within 4 hrs))
If need to use spare parts, J customer will ship back defectives to make F manufacturer check inventory status.
In addition, J customer needs to consolidate the warranty information and report of all manufacturers manually for further analysis.
Pain Points:
Warranty Provider:
1. Difficult to search for IW/ OOW results and repair responsibility when review claims
2. Difficult to control inventory status and find parts using record. No relation record between spare parts and defectives
3. Spend much time on searching for field service record
1. Difficult to have real-time tracking on service process and its progress
2. Spend much time on waiting for mail response from S&Y service centers
3. Manually consolidate all manufacturers RMA repot.
Service Center:
1. Spend much time on checking the service responsibility through mail or phone
2. Difficult to search for historical service record and process
3. No real-time service record filling in when processing field service, resulting in incomplete service record
III. Wareconn Solution:
1. J customer could process warranty claims in their own system. Through API, corresponded maunfacturers and service centers will receive mails for RMA notification
2. Available to well managed spare parts inventory status and a closed products relation between spare parts and defectives for warranty information consolidation
3. J customer, F maunfacturer and S&Y service centers could view real-time field service process and its record
4. J customer at different data centers in different regions could view or export warranty report with manufacturers selection for further analysis
IV. Benefits:
Through Field Service Management API, it benefits J customer at different data centers in different regions:
1. Save more time on ware no. assignment, spare parts shipment tracking, defective parts information discussion and summary report consolidation by using different manufacturers system
2. Automatic IW/OOW results and service responsibility when processing warranty claims to reduce documents and searching information time
3. One-stop warranty plan of warranty claims, warranty operation, warehousing, ware no. tracking, summary report and repair record. Reduce communication and discussion time around 3 to 5 days.
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